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 “I’m Gwyneth fucking Paltrow. Remember that, asshat.”
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Park City, Utah –


In what is being described by acquaintances, as a very “un-Gwyneth” move, the Oscar winning actress, stopped by her accusers table and railed on him for 11 minutes after she was found not guilty of causing the 2016 ski crash that captured headlines for weeks. At first Paltrow chided and cajoled Terry Sanderson, calling him a ‘sucky-baby’ and a ‘butt-munch’ before the celebrated actress was then physically moved away from Sanderson by courtroom security, but then breaking free and warning him to “sleep with one motherf****** eye open for the rest of his sorry-ass life.” Paltrow then slowly paraded out of the courtroom, arms raised above her head, laughing and pointing finger guns.

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